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Winter Newsletter 2018


Basic Anatomy

MUSCLES- Muscles are organs that contract, the muscles that are connected tobones are Skeletal Muscles. These muscles help us perform all kinds of actions with speed and strength , but can easily fatigue.

FASCIA- Lining the muscles and Nerves is connective tissue called Fascia. This is the translucent tissue you see when separating parts of meat for dinner. If this is injured, it can disrupt the blood and nerve supply to the muscles.

NERVES- Nerves are the main focus of Chiropractic. Nerves make muscles work. If a nerve is stimulated, the muscle to which it is connected will move.

The Chiropractic Approach

Chiropractors are trained to see the link between the Muscle and the Brain, via the nervous system which tells the muscle how to behave. If the nerve impulse (message) is disrupted, the muscle will not behave as it should, resulting in aches, spasms or weakness. Because practically all nerve pathways between the brain and muscles travel via the spinal column, this is where Chiropractors focus their attention.

Chiropractors check for and correct Vertebral Subluxations. This is where a vertebra is slightly misaligned and irritates a nerve. This irritation then interferes with the transmission of the nerve impulse or flow of information between the brain and muscles (or organ) and back again. Chiropractors correct this misalignment thus restoring proper communication and function. \

Latest Research

Check out the article on my FB page to see how a single session of chiropractic care increases maximal bite force in healthy individuals with potentially long-lasting effects!

While this research is focusing on a cranial nerve interaction it still shows the effect of Vertebral subluxation s on the Nerve/ Muscle pathway

What else can you do?

MAGNESIUM- Magnesium is known to reduce muscle tension, lessen pain, improve sleep and address neurological disorders. Magnesium works within our cells (including muscle and nerve cells) It is actually involved in more than 600 reactions in your body, including

  •  Energy creation: Helps convert food into energy.

  •  Protein formation: Helps create new proteins from amino acids.

  •  Gene maintenance: Helps create and repair DNA and RNA.

  •  Muscle movements: Is part of the contraction and relaxation of muscles.

  •  Nervous system regulation: Helps regulate neurotransmitters, which send messages throughout your brain and nervous system. Magnesium absorbs best via the skin (Trans-dermal) so applying a magnesium oil, or bathing in Epsom salts is beneficial. EXERCISE- Gentle, low impact aerobic exercise such as walking or swimming can improve some of the pain associated with muscle spasm and aches. STRETCHING- Your muscles need the chance to relax so gentle stretches are often beneficial as well as massage and/or Heat and Ice packs.

Recommended products

  1. Most of you are aware I have created an oil ideal for Muscle and Joint pains. This oil not only contains Magnesium with all of its benefits listed above, but also a blend of 100% pure essential oils all selected for their anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. If you are suffering from any aches or pains this winter, whether it be from sports or other causes, this product is perfect for you to use at home in between your Chiropractic adjustments. – Available for purchase at both offices, or check out my FB page



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