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New Years 2018

What is Energy

In living things the cell is a machine driven by energy. It thus can be approached by studying matter, or by studying energy – Albert Szent- Gyorgyi.

By now most of us are back to work and feeling that post-holiday energy drain, but what is energy and how does it relate to chiropractic? According to physics, energy cannot be created or destroyed, it is simply converted from one form to another, so we aren’t really “low on energy” we just aren’t utilising it appropriately

Energy Flow and Chiropractic

Energy flows from our brains and spinal cord through the nerves and back to the brain and spinal cord. Having a healthy spine and nervous system, keep our flow of energy balanced, our immune system strong and our resistance to trauma and disease high.

An unhealthy un-balanced spine can impinge, stretch or interfere with the nervous system and this natural flow of energy through the body, creating blockages and imbalances that may cause physical and emotional fatigue, exhaustion and dis-ease.

CHIROPRACTIC is unique in its approach to the Matter/Energy combination that is the human being. When Chiropractors correct a mechanical problem with a chiropractic adjustment, it does more than realign the spine. It releases pressure on the nervous system and normalises the flow of energy throughout the body. You could think of it as mending a bridge between the physical body (the Human) and the energy (Being) so they communicate better and restore harmony to us as Human beings.

Energy and Health

This concept of energy and health is not unique to Chiropractic, other healing techniques such as acupuncture, shiatsu Ayurveda etc. also recognise and address the holistic nature of healing. The vital energy of the body is referred to as Chi, in Chinese medicine, Ki, by the Japanese, Prana in Ayurvedic and INNATE INTELLIGENCE* by chiropractors.

So despite this energy slump we all experience from time to time, there is abundant energy within us at all times. Unfortunately many peoples energies are blocked, jammed, unbalanced or congested, fortunately for you, when you come to a Chiropractor for back pain, headaches, numbness, tingling etc you will also release one of the main forms of interference that block our natural energies (vertebral Subluxations)*When the Chiropractor performs a spinal adjustment they are reducing spinal nerve stress. This permits the body to function more efficiently. Your innate doctor is awakened and your body is in better communication with the forces of vitality, energy and life.

All of our body systems run on energy, and when properly working, give us abundance of energy and life with which we are naturally (innately) endowed Chiropractic care will help balance your spinal column and remove neurological interference and improve the proper flow of energy through the body

Not everything that counts, can be counted

-Dennis Burkitt MD


.* Innate intelligence- the chiropractic term to describe the inborn natural ability to heal that we all have

 Vertebral Subluxation- When a vertebra has lost its natural position and interferes with nerve impulses and energy flow. This is the main focus of Chiropractic care

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