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Chiropractic for Asthma


Chiropractic for Asthma

I know not all of you suffer from Asthma, but chances are you have a friend or family member who is affected. One in five children and one in nine adult kiwis suffer from Asthma.

What Is Asthma?

Asthma is a respiratory disease in which the patient has over sensitive airways. Every day irritants, that don’t bother other people, cause a reaction in asthmatics. These triggers may be pollens, extremes of temperature or even exercise. The airways tighten (constrict), swell and there is an increase in mucus as the airways try to fight this foreign invader.

Normal treatment

Normal treatment involves inhalers designed to either prevent the symptoms (narrowing and mucus production) or relievers that relax the airways during an attack. In severe cases steroids are used.

Chiropractic approach

Chiropractors look at things a bit differently, both systemically and structurally (function).

SYSTEMICALLY- Chiropractors work with the central nervous system (the focus of the profession) and WHY the patient over reacts to certain stimuli. If the central nervous system is functioning at its best, the patient is more likely to react appropriately to the stimuli that would otherwise trigger an asthma attack. The Central nervous system controls practically all cells tissues and organs in the human body, so it stands to reason that if the central nervous system is irritated by mis-aligned vertebra, it may over react to other stimuli. Think of yourself if you are irritated or in a bad mood, and someone says or does something that you would normally ignore. When you are irritated you are more likely to over react.

STRUCTURALLY- The lungs are in the thoracic region of the spine and protected by the ribs. As we breathe the ribs move similar to a bucket handle attached to the sternum at the front and the spine at the back, it these attachment sights are mis-aligned the ribs will not move properly and this can affect the movement of air in and out of the lungs.

The pelvis and sacrum are also involved structurally, as we breathe normally, the sacrum moves and acts like a pump for the fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord. If the sacrum is fixated, or not moving as it should this can impact on effective breathing (also Asthmatics know they can get a headache following an attack, this is sometimes due to the CSF (fluid) not being pumped properly)

Finally the final structural component is the neck. Asthmatics will use the neck muscles as accessory muscles to try to suck air in during an attack; this adds extra stress to the cervical spine and sets up a vicious cycle, as it is the cervical spine that is the first level of irritation for the nerves which help control the function of the airways.


As early as 1921 Henry Winsor MD, performed autopsies on 70 people who had died of respiratory disease and found associated spinal abnormalities in all 70 of them.

From 1995 to 2000 several case studies have shown marked improvement in lung function following Chiropractic adjustments

In one study researchers found that spinal adjustments resulted in better respiratory function and chest mobility than conventional medical bronchodilators, expectorants and steroids

In my practice I have seen the benefits of Chiropractic for asthmatic patients, and adjustment during an attack can help with the structural components and lessen the severity and length of the attack



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